Owl Mountain Models
Kit #3001
Two Wide 16-18' Long 3x10 Stacks of Rough-Cut Modular Lumber to Fill a “Wide Deck” 40-50' Flatcar in HO-Scale
Photo of a OMM #3001 kit freshly pulled out of bag.
3001 – Two “Wide” 16-18' Long 3x10” Stacks Load Kit (4x3012s & 1x3011)
Buy 3001 Kit Here for $24.95, select "2-Stack" option.
Link to Add-on kits
3011 - Sticker & Bracing Sprue
3012 - 3x10, 16-18ft Wide 8-Panel Sprue
Link to Tony Thompson's Review of OwlMtModels' 3001 Lumber Load Kit.
Kit includes
- 4 sprues of Modular 'Wide' Lumber Panels (8 Panels each), totaling 32 panels
- 1 Sprue of “Bracing, “Stickers,” & “Dunnage” to secure load
- Detailed Instructions, incorporating AAR standard practices, and tips for weathering board effects & finishing of the load. More "Tips & Techniques" well be coming here soon.
Kit is authentic for 1900-1960 Eras. For more information about shipment of lumber by rail, see Historical Information.
Photo of a OMM #3001 kit de-sprued and partly weathered with wood effects.
Modular Assembly – for millions of combinations selecting from 8 different panel designs. Build your load up how you want it. You have to try hard to make two loads exactly the same! Modular construction also allows for faster assembly than scratch-building loads board-by-board.
- Cast in “natural” wood colored plastic for ease of weathering and finishing
- Painting of base coat primer not required
- Hollow panels reduce weight and lower center-of-gravity per NMRA RP-22
- Complete load weighs 2.25 oz.
- Extra weighting of load NOT required!
Photo of OMM #3001 kit on EspeeModels F-70-7 Flatcar.
Stakes are separate parts to fit various stake pocket spacing of many HO-Scale flatcars on the market, including the following flatcar models:
Availiblity of flatcars from other manufactures is out of OwlMtModels' control. We suggest checking your local hobby shops, swapmeets, on-line stores and auction sites such as Ebay if you're in need of additional flatcars in your fleet!
Stacks of lumber are designed to either be glued onto flatcars or be interchangeable between cars of the same manufacture & type with same pocket spacing. Note: Athearn 50' flatcars & Train-Miniture/Walthers Trainline-series 40' Flats have the same stakepocket spacing and size.
Buy 3001 Kit Here for $24.95, select "2-Stack" option.
Link to Instructions... Pg1 of 4 (Warning Large Files)
Link to Instructions... Pg2 of 4
Link to Instructions... Pg3 of 4
Link to Instructions... Pg4 of 4
Link to Historical Information
Link to AAR Loading Diagrams

Link to other OwlMtModels Lumber Load Kits:
#3004 & 3005 New 'Narrow' Lumber Loads for OMM F-50-Series Flatcars and 36-52'6" Gondolas!
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